The challenge is over. We made it without cheating.
It was interesting to see how we favor one car over the other. The Subaru needed a fill up while the truck and roadster still had lots of fuel.
We also discovered we bought too many groceries. Instead of planning menus for the month – a daunting task when menu planning is usual done for today and tomorrow – we bought everything we thought we could possibly need. Other than replenishing a few fresh veggies, we still have enough meat, canned goods and frozen stuff to keep us going for another week or two.
It did seem strange yesterday afternoon to talk about going shopping for little things we need – a new squeegee for the shower, a butane lighter to light candles and the barbecue, etc. Shopping has always been more of a chore than a way to entertain ourselves and a month away has not changed my attitude.
We are looking forward to getting haircuts as we both look a bit rag tag. And being able to stop for a beverage on our way home from running errands will be a nice change of pace from being at the house so much.
My big accomplishment for the month was making new drapes for the bedroom in the trailer. I had leftover upholstery fabric, used some plain white curtains a neighbor gave me years ago for the lining and pellon from making placemats for stiffener at the top and bottom. I figure I saved about $500 by doing this little project myself. For me this is really frugal.
The stories of the Frugal challenge will be on KATU, Channel 2’s 6 pm news segment May 15, 16 and 17.
Now I am ready to load the trailer and hit the road for a few weeks. It had already been a long winter at home and a month of frugal living makes me even more anxious to get on my way.
PS: The challenge ended Thursday. I am finishing this on Monday morning and will be going to the grocery store for the first time – primarily to pick up a prescription and a few things for the trailer. Got to eat all that inventory in the fridge.